The Advanced Software Management integration is Managed Workplace's Third-Party patching tool that utilizes the Ivanti to stream patches to applications on end devices. In order to do this, a nano-service is installed called MW.ASM.NanoserviceHost. To remove this from your end devices, please do the following:
1) In the Managed Workplace UI you can either
a. Pull ASM policy from the associated Service Plan
- Select Configuration
- Select Services
- Select the ASM Policy
- Select Remove
- And then Save
b. Exclude the devices from the ASM policy
- Select Configuration
- Select Policies
- Select Advanced Software Management
- Select the policy in question
- Select Excluded Devices
- Add the devices
- And then close
Like any policy change, this is not necessarily instant but rather can take time. Please allow at least 30 minutes for each site to issue the commands. These steps will uninstall the nano-service and kick off a "kill" command to the Ivanti servers which will then, in turn, reject the license for their service.